Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Holding the space

I share this little story as a Valentine gift to my meditation group.

On a snowy day this winter, I showed up alone at the little church social hall where we meet weekly for meditation. While this was our regular time and place to meet, the weather and roads were not at all cooperative.
I set up several chairs, lit a candle, and read a short reading on meditating where you are. I said a little prayer inviting all those who couldn't be there and, as we often joke, set aside a chair for The Guest.

After our usual 45 minutes of meditation, I dinged the bell and bowed. Then I said aloud the piece we say about dedicating the merit of our practice:
To all sentient beings,
May we be free from inner and outer harm,
May we have calm clear minds and peaceful loving hearts,
May we know Joy, Wonder, Wisdom, and Compassion,
In this life, just as it is.

Once more, I rang the bell and bowed. Then I blew out the candles, said goodbye to The Guest, and went home.

After a year of watching my fellow meditators bounce back from broken bones, heart attacks, heart aches and hospitalizations, I want you to know there will always a place for you in my heart.

Happy Valentines Day!