Friday, December 18, 2009

Holiday Message

This is the season of lights and hope just as the winter darkness peaks. In the faith tradition I grew up with, a little child represents the power of vulnerability and the message of a new beginning.

Jesus of Nazareth inspired people of all walks of life. But his story starts before he ever came into the world. And, his story is still living in the hearts of many around the world.

The Bible is split into two sections, the Old Testament with its stories of living in community and connecting to God through Law, and the New Testatment asking followers to live from the heart - to stretch beyond the Law and take bigger risks for compassionate service to others.

Everyone comes into this world as a vulnerable child, an infant. If we are reading this, then we also have grown physically, mentally, and cognitively. These, too, are gifts. The wisdom is in holding the infant and nurturing that within ourselves and in others while encouraging maturity.

Jesus' name means teacher. As an enlightened person, he offers important lessons and messages about how to care for the least of us. His life inspired the likes of Dorthy Day, Ghandi and Martin Luther King, Jr. just to name a few in recent times.

My prayer this season is that as we fill our oil lamps or celebrate freedom from slavery or the birth of a teacher or hope that once again the light will stay brighter a little longer and warm us, that we be strong enough to leave the womb and tend to those whose needs are greater than our own. May we be brave enough to continue writing the Living Word in our hearts and in the world.

In Peace and Light,

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